5K Fun Walk/Run • October 15, 2016 • Jefferson City
Hosted by Missouri Community Action Network
Primary Sponsor
Event Details:
Date: Saturday, October 15, 2016
Location: Run starts at Shoe Carnival Jefferson City
Wildwood Shopping Center, 3535 Missouri Blvd, Jefferson City, MO 65109
Time: Registration goes from 7:00-7:45 a.m. / Race begins at 8:00 a.m.
Discount: Event participants (not just the walkers/runners!) will receive a 30% discount from Shoe Carnival.
Medals: Medals will be awarded to the top 3 male and top 3 female finishers.
More than 900,000 Missourians live in poverty. Together, Missouri CAN thrive.
OUR VISION: A state where all people and communities thrive.
OUR MISSION: To advocate for low-income Missourians and strengthen the Community Action Network.
Helping People, Changing Lives
Poverty is a reality for thousands of our Missouri neighbors. Missouri’s 19 nonprofit Community Action Agencies provide direct services in every county of the state to help Missourians reach self-sufficiency. Just a few of the programs Community Action offers include:
+ Weatherization
+ Head Start & Early Learning
+ Summer Food Programs
+ Preventative Care
+ Life Skills Training
Missouri Community Action Network (Missouri CAN) is the statewide network of Community Action Agencies, Allies, and Supporters united to help people and change lives.
Weatherizing Homes for 40 Years
October is the 40th anniversary of Weatherization, a program offered statewide by the Community Action Network. Weatherization provides cost-effective energy-efficient home improvements to Missouri’s low-income households, especially the elderly, children, those with physical disadvantages, and others hit hardest by high utility costs. The program aims to lower utility bills and improve comfort while ensuring health and safety. Weatherization is currently the nation’s largest residential energy efficiency program. The Missouri CAN Run! highlights Weatherization, specifically the local Cole County agency– Central Missouri Community Action (CMCA).
Better Homes, Better Communities
Missouri CAN Run! profits will provide scholarships for Building Performance Institute certifications. These certifications are for Weatherization professionals to conduct quality home inspections and determine improvements. The overall outcome will be more certified professionals to provide more energy-efficient home improvements. This results in lower utility costs for vulnerable populations, community betterment, and increased property values. For more information on the Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program, visit the Missouri Division of Energy’s website: https://energy.mo.gov/energy
Registration is $10 per race participant and includes a t-shirt and a swag bag. Register one of three ways:
- 1. Online by clicking the link below
- 2. Download the print registration form and mail it in to Missouri CAN, 2014 William St, Jefferson City, MO 65109.
- 3. Register the day of from 7 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. at Shoe Carnival (you will not be guaranteed a t-shirt) . The race begins at 8 a.m.
Register Online
Print & Mail Registration
Join Shoe Carnival of Jefferson City, the primary event sponsor, in supporting Community Action awareness and a state where ALL thrive! Our Missouri CAN Run! primary goal is to gather businesses and people for a positive, common cause, not necessarily profit (though profit will go toward scholarships as mentioned above). Make a difference through a small sponsorship, a donation, or your participation. Thank you!
Run Information: Courtney Kohler, ckohler@communityaction.org
Sponsorship/Swag/Donation Information: Amy Thrash, athrash@communityaction.org
Missouri Community Action Network is the statewide association for Missouri’s 19 nonprofit Community Action Agencies, Allies, and Supporters united to end poverty. The Community Action Network helps people and changes lives in all 114 counties and the City of St. Louis. Join us at the the Missouri CAN Run! to raise awareness of poverty in Missouri!
2014 William Street, Jefferson City, MO 65109 • (573) 634-2969
Run Info: Courtney Kohler ckohler@communityaction.org
Sponsorships/Donations: Amy Thrash athrash@communityaction.org