Who can be an advocate? Anyone who wants Missouri CAN’s vision – a state where all people and communities thrive – to be a reality. This Virtual Advocacy Center is your guide to advocacy success.
Advocacy Defined: any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others.
– The Alliance for Justice
Sometimes, passion alone is not enough. Advocacy involves getting powerful individuals or organizations to make big changes that may not be in their short-term interest.
Speak out about poverty
Let your voice be heard – be involved in advocacy at the local, state and national level. Call or email your representatives, and share your concerns about poverty in your community. Urge them to take action by supporting the needs of low-income families. Encourage them to share our vision: A state where all people and communities thrive. Scroll down to view how to find your legislators.
Engage key influencers in your community – educate key leaders about the impact of poverty in the community. Organize a poverty simulation to experience living in poverty. Encourage them to view Day in the Life of a Missouri family and share with their followers online.
Bring attention to the media – when you have organized community support and understand key poverty issues, get them out to the general public. Invite media to your poverty simulation.
Speak to your Legislators – see this document on Tips for Meeting with your Legislators.
Share Our Vision on Social Media
Volunteer your time by becoming a Social Media Ambassador for Missouri CAN. Share with your family and friends how important poverty issues are to you, and how they can help be a part of the solution.
Support Missouri CAN on Goodsearch
Support Missouri CAN without spending a dime! By using GoodSearch and GoodShop when you search for a website or make an online purchase, donations will be made to Missouri CAN to support our advocacy goals for the Community Action Network. All you have to do is sign up and designate Missouri CAN as your organization of choice. Sign up & shop now!
Request a speaker – request a Community Action speaker on poverty for your next benefit, fundraiser or event.
Is Your Agency Hosting an Advocacy Event?
We want to hear from you! Let us know about your upcoming advocacy event. Missouri CAN is ready to support your staff with advocacy resources and materials. Simply fill out the pre-event advocacy checklist to let Missouri CAN know about your upcoming event, and we will address your request. We’d also like to know the outcome of your event. After your event, please complete the post-event advocacy checklist to share the details of your event after it concludes. Your agency just might be featured in Missouri CAN publications or on social media!
Building Relationships Tool
Relationships with public officials are a key element to effective advocacy. This infographic gives you the tools needed to effectively communicate.
Advocacy Resources
Below are some useful resources for Lobbying & Advocacy: