Each Missouri CAN member agency is examining its own policies and practices and will make modifications as it deems necessary. Because many of our agencies offer services that provide face-to-face contact between agency staff and customers, some agencies may modify service delivery or even temporarily make some services unavailable. This is a round-up of current Community Action Agency operations during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Central Missouri Community Action (CMCA)
Serving Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Cole, Cooper, Howard, Moniteau, and Osage Counties
Current operations as of June 24:
CMCA offices are open to the public by appointment only, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to noon, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. You can also contact CMCA by phone or email. Public restrooms are not available at this time.
Per CDC guidelines, do not visit any CMCA facility if you feel sick, have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or are self-quarantined. Those who come into the facilities will be required to follow social distancing, sanitize their hands, and wear a mask. CMCA can provide masks for those who do not have them.
Utility Assistance Applications may be mailed to 800 N. Providence Rd., Columbia, MO 65203, or dropped off at the secure drop-box in the entryway to the building at N. Providence in Columbia.
ShowMe Healthy Relationship classes have transitioned to online.
SkillUp services are active and meeting with members by appoint through June 30, 2020.
Head Start plans are subject to change based on local level data and guidance. However, the goal is to open Boone and Cole East classrooms the Week of June 22, and the WFSC to reopen the remaining classrooms and return to normal operating hours the Week of July 6.
LIHEAP applications continue to be processed. Utility companies are NOT shutting off utility services for anyone during this time.
Weatherization is actively doing inspections and audits.
Senior volunteers with the Foster Grandparent Program are not currently active as they are considered a vulnerable population.
The Missouri Women’s Business Center works to make sure small businesses have access to the loans, grants, and payroll protection opportunities that are available.
Section 8- Housing Choice Voucher Program list is currently closed due to the maximum capactiy being met.
Community Action Agency of Greater Kansas City (CAAGKC)
Serving Clay, Jackson, and Platte Counties
Current operations: CAAGKC serves clients Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 6 pm. Anyone in need can reach the agency by phone at (816) 358-6868 or apply for assistance online at www.caagkc.org. CAAGKC is assisting with rent, water, food, toiletry and providing college scholarships. The agency has also restarted healthy homes programs and home weatherization. Follow CAAGKC on social media for regular updates.
Community Action Agency of St. Louis County (CAASTLC)
Serving St. Louis County
Current operations as of May 5: CAASTLC is closely monitoring the county executive orders regarding reopening.
The agency is currently operating its food bank as an appointment only drive thru service with minimal contact on Tuesday and Thursdays only.
Staff continue to work from home.
Community Action Partnership of North Central Missouri (CAPNCM)
Serving Caldwell, Daviess, Grundy, Harrison, Linn, Livingston, Mercer, Putnam, and Sullivan Counties
CAPNCM has resumed normal hours of operation 7:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Thursday (closed on Friday)
The agency is open for all services regarding and customer walk-ins. The lobby is restricted to one client in the lobby at a time. Protective barriers are in place, and all visitors to the office must wear protective masks. If clients don’t have a mask, CAPNCM will provide one for them. Here are some specific details for individual programs:
IdentiGo Fingerprinting Services: As CAPNCM is the only fingerprinting operation between St. Joseph on the west and Hannibal on the east, they serve the entirety of north Missouri, including many clients from southern Iowa. The agency is taking clients for fingerprinting and/or background checks by appointment. Clients must wear masks, and wash hands at their facility prior to fingerprinting.
Weatherization Services: Weatherization schedules for CAPNCM have returned to normal. Staff wear PPE and discuss protocols with all clients. If a client refuses services based upon Covid concerns, they will move to the next client on the waiting list.
Section 8: CAPNCM is operating with Section 8 Services as per normal. Staff have full PPE gear for interior home inspections.
Women’s Health: CAPNCM has established strict patient/provider protocols based upon Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services guidelines. Patients can pick up birth control supplies via curbside pickup/drive-through at the Trenton facility or through U.S. mail. Please call the Women’s Health Department for details on annual exams and other women’s health preventative services.
Community Action Partnership of Northeast Missouri (CAPNEMO)
Serving Adair, Clark, Knox, Scotland, and Schuyler Counties
Current Operations: CAPNEMO is open by appointment Monday through Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The phone system has been restored and now reaches all extensions.
Community Action Partnership of Greater St. Joseph (CAPSTJOE)
Serving Andrew, Buchanan, Clinton, and Dekalb Counties
Current operations: Beinning June 22, CAPSTJOE’s main office will be open to the public. CAPSTJOE Head Start centers are closed for the summer. Early Head Start services in centers will start on July 6, 2020.
Community Services, Inc. of Northwest Missouri (CSI)
Serving Atchison, Gentry, Holt, Nodaway, and Worth Counties
CSI is seeing clients by appointment only and following social distancing guidelines, using masks, and sanitizing after each client visit.
CSI’s Weatherization Department has resumed work. Workers are taking precautionary measures including wearing suits, masks, and gloves as well as following sanitization methods.
Head Start summer program is open, and staff are using precautionary measures.
Energy Assistance applications still being accepted.
Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation (DAEOC)
Serving Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Scott, and Stoddard Counties
With the ongoing COVID-19 health concerns and limited available space in the agency waiting room, DAEOC Outreach Offices will be closed to the public beginning December 2. Lobby doors will be closed although outreach staff continue to work and support the community.
Drop boxes are available at every outreach office location along with applications for agency services. If you need assistance or have questions, please call one the agency’s Outreach Offices to speak with a DAEOC staff person.
East Missouri Action Agency (EMAA)
Serving Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, Iron, Madison, Perry, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, and Washington Counties
Current operations as of May 4: Effective the week of May 4, EMAA will transition to a 2 day in the office, and 2 days telework. Staff schedules will rotate for 2 weeks to ensure the building is not overcrowded, and then the agency intends to resume regular office schedules. No face-to-face contact with clients will occur until June 1. At that time, client meetings will be by appointment only.
Economic Security Corporation of the Southwest Area (ESC)
Serving Barton, Jasper, McDonald, and Newton Counties
Current operations: Beginning June 1, ESC will be open to the public during business hours 8 am to noon and 1 pm to 5 pm Monday through Friday. Visit the agency’s website for detailed information regarding agency operations.
Jefferson Franklin Community Action Corporation (JFCAC)
Serving Franklin and Jefferson Counties
Current operations as of March 23: All JFCAC offices are currently closed to the public. See a full list of programs operations on JFCAC’s Phase 1 Emergency Action Plan here.
Missouri Ozark Community Action, Inc. (MOCA)
Serving Camden, Crawford, Gasconade, Laclede, Maries, Miller, Phelps, and Pulaski Counties
MOCA will continue to offer work from home and in the main office through May 15. On May 15, they will evaluate the situation on COVID -19, and will make adjustment to staff working from home and in the office.
Staff have been instructed to not meet with customers unless social distancing is followed and safety measure with face mask and gloves are used by staff. All staff are reminded to continue to follow the social distancing in their work and social lives as best they can. MOCA continues to clean and sanitize their facility and work area and limit meetings to no more than 10 individuals, provided appropriate spacing is possible. They have spaced out workstations and constructed temporary walls between workstations to ensure distancing. Staff conduct phone and email virtual meetings instead of in person meetings. All deliveries are to be dropped outside the rear of the admin building, eliminating vendors from entering the building.
The foyer of the MOCA building is open from 8am-4:30pm but no customers are allowed into the main building through the front door. Customers in the foyer complete the application process over the phone and they are able to drop off their applications in the drop box outside the foyer entrance at all hours.
LIHEAP continues to serve customers from the main office building and communicates with customers by phone.
CSBG staff are all working and serving customers over the phone and email.
HUD Section Eight customers are served through mail, email and phone although at this time we are not pulling applications.
Head Start last day is May 22, and staff will continue to work with the children and families from office and home. MOCA will evaluate the Early Head Start on the 15th of May.
Missouri Valley Community Action Agency (MVCAA)
Serving Carroll, Chariton, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, Ray, and Saline Counties
MVCAA’s current days and hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to noon and 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. The office is closed from 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.
MVCAA’s Family Resource Centers are open by appointment only. When customers arrive for their appointment, they must call and let the staff know they are there. If customers are running a fever or feeling ill the day of their appointment, they will be asked to reschedule. Only one customer and/or family member is allowed in the MVCAA office at a time and must wear a face mask.
MVCAA’s Central Office is open, but IdentiGo Fingerprinting is not available at this time.
MVCAA Summer ECIP applications continue to be processed.
MVCAA Emergency funds are available, and applications are being completed.
MVCAA Head Start is closed but accepting applications.
MVCAA Weatherization is conducting inspections and audits.
MVCAA Section 8 – Housing Choice Voucher Program is open and taking applications.
MVCAA Skill UP services are active.
North East Community Action Corporation (NECAC)
Serving Lewis, Lincoln, Macon, Marion, Monroe, Montgomery, Pike, Ralls, Randolph, Shelby, St. Charles, and Warren Counties
Current operations: NECAC is accepting walk-ins at its county outreach centers, however appointments are encouraged to ensure the safety of visitors and staff as the agency follows social distancing measures. Each of the 12 counties in the agency’s service have full-time local staff available to assist customers as needed. NECAC services include:
- In-home services for disabled, seniors, and veterans
- Emergency rent, mortgage and home ownership assistance
- Veterans, foster youth, seniors and non-elderly housing rental assistance
- Emergency water assistance
- Emergency utility assistance
- Air conditioners
- Minor home repair/weatherization
- Diaper and hygiene items
- Employment opportunities and assistance with educational, work related and transportation expenses
- Other basic needs i.e. medication, groceries, diapers and hygiene items, etc.
In the event that emergency assistance is needed for which NECAC is unable to provide, staff have access to other community resources and will direct customers to those additional organizations.
NECAC Community Outreach Center Contact Information
Lewis County: (573) 288-3969
Lincoln County: (636) 528-7604
Macon County: (660) 385-4616
Marion County: (573) 221-7166
Monroe County: (660) 327-4110
Montgomery County: (573) 564-3606
Pike County: (573) 324-2207
Ralls County: (573) 985-2411
Randolph County: (660) 263-6595
St. Charles County: (636) 272-3477
Shelby County: (573) 633-2210
Warren County: (636) 456-8191
For Energy Assistance: (573) 324-0120
Ozark Action, Inc. (OAI)
Serving Douglas, Howell, Oregon, Ozark, Texas, and Wright Counties
Ozark Action, Inc. is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The agency is closed on Friday.
Customers and members of the public are allowed to enter the building. The wearing of masks is required for anyone who enters the building. Before entering the building, clients must go through a screening process. Some services are limited to one client visitor at a time.
The agency has developed new internal operations policies including an Infectious Disease Plan and is working on work-from-home policies.
Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation (OACAC)
Serving Barry, Christian, Dade, Dallas, Greene, Lawrence, Polk, Stone, Taney, and Webster Counties
Convoy of Hope is still operating under disaster guidelines. Replenishment orders are filled as needed.
The Webster County Towe Garden is up and running. Community members are able to access fresh produce free of charge.
Central Office at 215 South Barnes, Springfield, MO 65802 has been closed to public traffic since March 26, 2020 (417-862-4314) Applications and program information located in foyer between outside door and lobby door—applications also on website. Mail drop located near outside front door.
OACAC Community Services Block Grant Program (CSBG): Central Office staff working in office Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday and remote on Friday. CSBG Neighborhood/Community Centers in OACAC ten counties staffed Monday-Friday with some remote schedules. Centers closed to public traffic since March 23, 2020. Appointments only. See list of Centers on the OACAC website.
OACAC New to You Thrift Store: The thrift store is open Tuesday through Saturday in Buffalo in Dallas County.
OACAC Weatherization Program: Weatherization office is closed to public traffic. Office staff are working and crews are operating again in ten county area.
OACAC Foster Grandparent Program: Stipends paid for full-year employees and summer employees through August 15. Grandparents are not back working at most job sites yet. The program covers the OACAC ten-county area plus four additional counties.
The OACAC Family Planning Program located at the Central Office is open Monday through Thursday. Entrance to the clinic is only through locked east door—20 feet from the clinic entrance. The program operates in most OACAC counties through the Health Department.
Patients need to call OACAC Family Planning at (417) 864-3410 and a staff person will let them in and escort them to the family planning office and back out again.
OACAC Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program: Individuals in need of energy assistance can call the (417) 864-3460 for a LIHEAP application. The LIHEAP summer program is now in effect through September 30, 2020 for electric payment only. LIHEAP staff are located in the central office.
OACAC Housing Assistance Program: Staff are available in the agency’s central office Monday through Thursday and doing fieldwork in ten counties outside the City of Springfield by appointment only. Closed Fridays. Program staff are working with tenant and landloards.
OACAC Head Start Program: Staff are in Central Office, and Head Start full-day centers open.
Administration including Information Technology (IT), Fiscal Office and Human Resources on regular schedules with IT doing some remote work. Executive Director and Executive Assistant in Central Office
People’s Community Action Corporation (PCAC)
Serving The City of St. Louis and Wellston
PCAC provides a free food table that non-clients can walk-in and access produce, bread, and beverages.
Since the People’s Closet closed due to COVID-19, PCAC is providing small hygiene bags, mask, and light bulbs for each client that comes in.
South Central Missouri Community Action Agency (SCMCAA)
Serving Butler, Carter, Dent, Reynolds, Ripley, Shannon, and Wayne Counties
Current operations as of May 18: SCMCAA are staff returning to sites with a limited number of staff in the offices.
County Outreach Offices remain closed to the public, however people in need can contact the agency by phone via the general agency phone number list above or individual County Outreach Offices phone numbers listed below:
- Butler County Outreach Office: (573) 785-4727
- Carter County Outreach Office: (573) 323-0270
- Dent County Outreach Office: (573) 729-3500
- Reynolds County Outreach Office: (573) 663-2855
- Ripley County Outreach Office: (573) 996-3713
- Shannon County Outreach Office: (573) 325-8271
- Wayne County Outreach Office: (573) 223-7495
West Central Missouri Community Action Agency (WCMCAA)
Serving Bates, Benton, Cass, Cedar, Henry, Hickory, Morgan, St. Clair, and Vernon Counties
WCMCAA is operating at about 50% in Central Office with the situation being reassessed every two weeks.
Summer Energy Assistance applications are being accepted via email and/or postal service.