Missouri CAN’s Membership Campaign “I CAN, We CAN, Missouri CAN” ran from December 15, 2016 to March 15, 2017. Missouri CAN increased membership by 7% or 149 new members. We drew and announced the following campaign winners at our 2017 Missouri CAN Annual Conference in April.
Congratulations to our Missouri CAN Membership Campaign Winners:
Recruiter Drawing: We ended up with 85 total recruiters. Each time a recruiter obtained a new Missouri CAN member, their name was entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card. At conference, Sherri Ragan from Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation was announced as the winner.
Member Drawing: In addition to the recruiter drawing, we also put all existing and new members into a drawing for a $100 gift card. At conference, Lynn Blackwell from East Missouri Action Agency was announced as the winner.
Agency Numerical Growth: The agency with the largest numerical growth was Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation with 29 additional members from June 2016 until March 2017.
Agency Largest Percentage Growth: The agency with the largest percentage growth was Community Action Partnership of Greater St. Joseph with 113% growth from June 2016 until March 2017.
Thank you to the directors, CEO’s, coordinators, recruiters, and members that made the 2016-2017 Membership Campaign a success. Your efforts have made Missouri CAN a stronger advocate for low-income Missourians; we couldn’t do it without your support!
Interested in become a Missouri CAN Member, Ally or Supporter? Learn more here.