Vote Nov. 8th!
Mark your calendars to vote tomorrow, November 8th! Are you ready to vote? Here’s a checklist:
Am I registered? What if my name is not on the list?
Be sure to check online if you are registered to vote in Missouri here. The Missouri voter registration deadline was October 12. If you did not submit your voter registration on or before the October 12 deadline, you will unable to vote. However, if you have submitted your voter registration by the deadline, you will be able to vote, and may not be in the system. Contact your local election authority if you have questions here.
Where is my polling place?
Look it up online here.
What times can I vote?
Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Those individuals arriving after the polling place has closed will not be allowed to vote. However, those individuals in line at 7:00 p.m. will be allowed to vote. Read more here.
Do I need to show photo I.D.?
Missouri does not require photo identification. However, you will need a form of identification to vote. Click here to see accepted forms of I.D. for Missouri.
What’s on my ballot?
For a sample ballot in your area, visit your county election board’s website or contact them for more information. To be informed of the “fair ballot” language on all Missouri ballots, click here.
Can I take a selfie?
“Under Missouri law, voters cannot show their ballots to anyone with the intent of letting others know how they voted or how they’re about to vote,” Stephanie Fleming, Secretary of State spokesperson, said in a statement. “To be safe, voters should check with their local election authority before snapping a picture of their ballot to make sure they’re not violating Missouri election law.” To show your support of the democratic process, voters are encouraged to take pictures with their “I voted today” stickers.
Please share this blog with your Missouri friends and family to encourage them to vote!
*Please note, Missouri CAN is a nonpartisan, nongovernmental, nonprofit organization. We encourage all Missourians to exercise their right to vote.