With the economic impact of COVID-19 on communities, poverty simulations are more important than ever to increase awareness and understanding of poverty. But the concern of the virus and its spread is still very real. By following certain guidelines, Community Action Poverty Simulation hosts can keep participants and volunteers safe while still providing a meaningful in-person simulation experience.
If you hold a simulation while COVID-19 is a health concern, we recommended following these guidelines:
Health and Safety Guidelines
– Abide by CDC guidelines specific to your state. Missouri CAN recommends the total number of participants and volunteers not to exceed 50.
– Anyone experiencing any of the symptoms identified by the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Health as symptoms of the Coronavirus may not participate.
– We recommend that anyone who is at higher risk for serious COVID-19 complications, or who is in frequent contact with a person at higher risk, not participate in the simulation.
Volunteers and participants should follow the CDC recommended precautions:
– Clean and wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds frequently (or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol when unable to wash hands). Participants and volunteers will be asked to wash hands before and after the simulation.
– Avoid close contact with others and maintain a social distance of six (6) feet.
– Cover nose and mouth with a tissue or inside the elbow when coughing or sneezing, then clean hands by washing or using hand sanitizer.
– Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
– All volunteers and participants must wear a mask or face covering that cover the mouth and nose throughout the entirety of the simulation.All participants should avoid handshaking or any direct physical contact.
– Participants should exchange materials (cash, checks, vouchers, etc.) by placing them on the tables provided.
– Participants should use hand sanitizer before and after exchanging materials.
Modification to Room and Setup
– Provide hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol at each of the tables (including “family” tables and tables designated for vendors).
– Arrange seating at all tables and family groups to allow 6 feet of space between persons.
– Mark floors at each vendor table with spaces for at least three participants to wait in line while maintaining 6 feet of distance.
– If a line of more than three people forms at a particular vendor such that participants cannot maintain a proper distance, participants should remain at their family groups until the line has shortened and there is an available space to stand on a floor marking.
By making a few changes to the room setup and providing guidance for attendees, you can keep participants and volunteers safe while providing a meaningful in-person simulation experience.